In Progress: Fannin County EDRP Study

This spring, officials with the Fannin County Development Authority submitted a winning application for a research grant through Georgia Tech’s Economic Development Research Program (EDRP). The research focuses on a study of Fannin’s labor market. It includes business leader surveys and community data analysis all to be conducted this summer.

Georgia Tech’s Center for Economic Development Research will lead the research. Researchers will define the county’s labor draw area, survey business leaders, and analyze detailed industry, occupational, and wage information. Researchers will analyze and assemble this information into a Labor Market Study that Fannin leaders can use to market to prospective business.

Blue Ridge, GA. Photo from the Fannin County Development Authority

The research team expects to complete at the end of August.

Learn more about the EDRP program here.

Fund Your Economic Research with EDRP

The mission of our Economic Development Research Program (EDRP) is to assist local communities by providing affordable economic development and policy research to enhance their competitive positions.


The types of research include strategic planning, forecasting, feasibility studies, readiness assessments, economic impact analysis, and labor market studies to name a few.

Registration is open throughout the year!

Have questions or want to apply? Contact:

Alfie Meek, Ph.D.

Director of the Center for Economic Development Research

Enterprise Innovation Institute

Georgia Institute of Technology



Clinch County EDRP Study Underway

The Clinch County Development Authority applied for and won a research grant through Georgia Tech’s Economic Development Research Program (EDRP). The EDRP research will be conducted this spring and summer.


Researchers from Georgia Tech’s Center for Economic Development Research will be in the community, meeting with the county’s industry leaders, community leaders, stakeholders, and state partners. They will assess county trends and previous planning efforts. Their goal will be to identify industries within the county that align with its strengths and assets. This will give county leaders a better understanding of how to strategically position Clinch County for quality economic growth in the coming decades.edrplogoProject Highlights: Researchers at Georgia Tech have developed an 8-step process to help Clinch County facilitate economic growth as effectively as possible. These steps include:

  • Project Kickoff
  • Community assessment and review
  • Baseline analysis
  • Community interviews
  • State partner interviews
  • Target industry analysis
  • Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis
  • Recommendations and final report

The project is expected to be completed by the end of August 2016.

For project-related questions, contact:
Candice McKie
Phone: 404-385-2053| Fax: 404-410-6910
Email: ude.hcetag.etavonninull@eikcm.ecidnac