Economic Resilience
Communities with built-in economic resilience capacity tend to fare best through disruptions and CEDR is equipped to help your community using a holistic approach.

Natural disasters and emergencies have disrupted the economies in communities across the country, causing shifts in supply chains, employment, education, and basic services. Communities with built-in economic resilience capacity tend to fare best through these disruptions, and CEDR is equipped to help your community using a holistic approach. CEDR helps communities improve their economic resilience capacity through (1) broad access to economic development and planning capabilities using university-based economic development research and Lean Recovery (TM) training on economic resilience, recovery, and (2) continuity of operations (COOP) planning for local governments. In the event of an unplanned shock to the economy, CEDR’s multi-pronged approach provides both communities and businesses with mitigating solutions tailored to their unique needs as a region.