The SBIR Assistance Program for the State of Georgia, at no cost, helps the state’s small, high-tech firms obtain R&D funding from one of the federal agencies participating in the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTT) programs. These highly competitive awards, ranging from $75,000 to $850,000, can provide researchers with seed money to launch a new firm or an existing company with funds to develop a new product line.
Administered by Georgia Tech’s Enterprise Innovation Institute, the program in FY08 provided detailed guidance to Georgia companies submitting 64 proposals, which resulted in $9.4 million in awards. A major factor in this success was the improved quality of SBIR proposals, with the “win rate” improving almost 50 percent in the first two years of operation. In the first six months of FY09, the program is on pace to match or exceed the previous year’s number of proposals and assistance to firms.
To learn more, contact Connie Ruffner (404.385.2600).