Fannin County EDRP Study

Last year, officials with the Fannin County Development Authority submitted a winning application for a research grant through Georgia Tech’s Economic Development Research Program (EDRP). The research focused on a study of Fannin’s labor market. It included business leader surveys and a community data analysis. It was completed in September 2017.

Some key findings of the study included issues of workforce supply, workforce demand, an occupational analysis, and a special industry focus on back office and manufacturing operations. Through a survey of 84 local employers during the month of June 2017, the study found that the two most often selected reasons for opening their business in Fannin County were “Quality of Life” and “Access to Markets and Customers”. The study concluded with an number of recommendations for the Fannin County Development Authority. One recommendation was that Fannin County should prioritize a comprehensive workforce development strategy as a key economic development tool for advancing economic development goals.

For project-related questions, contact:
Candice McKie
Phone: 404-385-2053| Fax: 404-410-6910
Email: ude.hcetag.etavonninull@eikcm.ecidnac